Your Private Oasis
High-Profile Individuals • Golf Aficionados • Global Equity Principals
Our convergence of the Coachella Valley's greatest luxuries, preeminent supplemental facilities, and finest services is facilitated in the area that simultaneously achieves maximal status in embracing executive independent prosperity and medical resourcefulness: the Golf Resorts Region.
A friendly, polite culture of contented prosperity has concentrated during the past century in the affluent community that is generally cohesive in covering
- La Quinta,
- Indian Wells,
- Palm Desert (around the golf resorts and luxury boutiques), and
- Rancho Mirage.
Local leaders and the nearby executive airport have named it the Golf Resorts Region of the Coachella Valley. Many interwoven factors propel the Golf Resorts Region to be among the most valuable destinations for executive privacy in the United States, particularly for those with area-relevant interests for sports, fund management, music, or healthcare.
Discreet Congeniality and Respectful Freedom
The foundation of the community's culture builds from its roots a century ago as a retreat for maturely established Hollywood celebrities, who could come here to relax among friends of similar circumstances—without worrying about image-maintenance, security, or being harassed. The prosperous culture sustains today, simultaneously being privacy-protective, politely friendly and sociable, and contentedly relaxed. A populace of well-established celebrities and UHNWIs has concentrated here. This is not a metropolis for building a career; it is a peaceful oasis of comfort after success has been achieved.
Away from metropolitan cliques and superficiality, family warmth flourishes in this community. Young generations of similarly high achievers tend to stay close to home. Some of the highest-ranking K-12 schools in the state are here. The growing families of the area tend to be strikingly grateful for their blessings, as demonstrated by the joyously vibrant congregations who meet at or near the Tennis Gardens or meadows of the golf courses. These enthusiastically musical churches are homes to influential leaders and their families, and are popular destinations for musician and world-leader clients of ours.