Five-Star Boutiques within Large Mass-Market Resorts
Dignitary Discretion is part of the globally expanding trend for five-star specialty boutiques to be located within large shared-rights developments, wherein each respective development is predominantly structured as a mass-market hotel.
This trend was popularized in Las Vegas decades ago, and is now a solidified—but inherently private--concept among the large resort campuses of Las Vegas. The concept of boutiques within larger hotels is unfamiliar to many travelers, especially among those who do not seek specialty luxuries in concentrated major travel destinations (as also exemplified in Manhattan, Miami, and Orlando).
There is sustained worldwide growth for the paradigm, and there especially is simple logic for Las Vegas. Each of the major casino conglomerates maintains a massive infrastructure for millions of visitors annually. Room rentals are primarily intended to bring people to gamble, and hotel room rental fees are not intended to be the profit objective for the major casino resorts. Crowd efficiency must be maximized to sustain profit margins in the price-competitive mass markets. High-stakes gambler disproportionately contribute profit margins, but personal and travel preferences must be met to attract each high-stakes gambler to a particular casino resort.
Our in-suite dining, private chauffeuring, and other services—all coordinated by a compartmentalized contact—are similarly exemplified by the boutiques that are primarily dedicated to invitation-only gamblers worldwide. The gambler boutiques make relatively few allocations available to the public, but, when they do, rates often exceed ten thousand dollars per weekend night.
Distinctive New Paradigm
Elimination of the Front Desk
Individualized 24-Hour Full-Service
Being herded in sweaty crowds, standing in long lines, and facing bureaucratic procedures are not enticements. Therefore, several of the most prestigious hotels-within-hotels join us in enabling mature sophisticates to be retrieved directly at the airport, to bypass lobby registrations, and to have a 24-hour dedicated point of contact—altogether eliminating the DMV reminiscence of front desks. Boutiques fulfill specialty preferences for luxury travelers, who then customarily stay on-campus for the respective casinos. Even if the boutique is fiscally separate, having a friendly symbiosis ultimately helps both businesses and enables mutually leveraged patronage of guests. For us, we obviously respect MGM™—we would be somewhere else otherwise—and if their casino offerings are enjoyable to our clients, we would gladly be supportive. The casino builds high-roller business without incurring the distractions or subsidies of hospitality. Whether the boutique is a subsidiary business or separately managed, the house conglomerate holds favored odds for winning profits for its core business.
Development of Market Understanding
Separate Chain Brands in the Same Structures as Larger Hotels
Not Affiliated
We respect other boutique providers in Las Vegas for their trailblazing initiative, and we appreciate that their market leadership now provides a framework for efficiently explaining our facilities arrangements, by means of comparing and contrasting. The specialty sub-sector of boutiques within Las Vegas hotels was substantially enabled by the bold investment and heavy marketing in the 1990s of the Four Seasons Hotel™ within Mandalay Bay™. Although proportionately small compared to the underlying hotel, the Four Seasons has over four hundred rooms—far beyond boutique status (at least outside of Las Vegas) and certainly warranting its public-volume lobby and front desk. The high-profile, publicly capitalized development familiarized the marketplace with the concept that a separately managed hotel with the following characteristics can separately exist within the same tower and parcel of land of a four-star, more mainstream hotel:
- a fully distinct brand of a non-affiliated company,
- ranked separately at a specialty premium caliber, and
- not intended to be primarily administered by the personnel of the larger hotel.
The security of the Four Seasons Las Vegas appeals to high-end leisure travelers who do not have particular concerns about blocking location-awareness. The security orientation is at the at the opposite end of the visibility spectrum from our clients. Surveillance of every patron of the Four Seasons is tight and heavy, and various forms of data are retained for refinement of profiles and identification. Their security is adept at blocking opportunistic thieves who are attracted to the high-visibility hotel and easily identified patrons. Their security is admirably structured to protect guests from opportunistic physical crimes, as opposed to our focus of protecting clients from silently targeted infiltration and business sabotage.
An example of niche fulfilment operates nearby to us, also within the MGM™ CityCenter™. Like us, The Mansion™ offers thoroughly individualized fine dining and 24-hour chauffeuring, but the degree of leisure refinement offered by The Mansion™ exceeds and is contradicted by our foci on intensive business confidentiality and sophisticated unfettering of business progress. Each of the associated founders of our group has had the immense honor of serving a different US President decades ago, and so we know that even with arguably the world's largest infrastructure of resources and access, and even with limitless dutiful loyalty among large numbers of us focused on one person, the carefree smoothness of five-star-plus leisure cannot be sustained simultaneously with strong productivity and security. Therefore, we focus on protective business travel for our niches, and The Mansion™ elegantly transcends its guests into grandeur of leisure. All around us, MGM™ achieves an operational powerhouse for efficiently and effectively serving mass markets.
Niche Specialties
The Ultimate in Privacy Protections

Our Executive Collection packages provide the pinnacle of privacy-oriented executive services and amenities, categorically surpassing five-star standards. In seeking prospective accommodations to be held under our names for the privacy of our clients, we have sought to provide the ultimate in luxury services.
We gauge ourselves against relevant aspects of external benchmarks of excellence. In a respectful nod to those hospitality providers, with which we have no association, and for which we acknowledge that our recognition of them only serves to fortify their deservedly excellent reputations, we endeavor to provide a full spectrum of luxury amenities, contracted as needed through private venues and coordinated with complimentary luxury transportation, subject to some limitations.
Uniqueness of Dignitary Discretion
Optimized for Executive Confidentiality
Even compared to five-star-plus boutiques, many of the business- and privacy-oriented benefits of our Executive Luxury and Romantic Sovereignty packages categorically surpass all other hospitality in Las Vegas.
Types of Hospitality
Your Choices
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Not for Ostentatiousness
In fairness to their market niches, there are other boutiques that offer more lavish common areas and elegantly refined subservience for connoisseurship-based leisure. Regardless of economic factors, these characteristics would inherently impair various practical objectives of the business and confidentiality foci of our niche markets. (Incidentally, we should again mention that extreme formality is not the lifestyle of most modern dignitaries, diplomats, investment bankers, or institutional financiers—because of the inefficiencies and conspicuousness, contrary to the public misconceptions.) By contrast, most handlers of traveling dignitaries are mature colleagues, perhaps with deftness in countersurveillance and fiduciary executive proxy, but not ornate napkin-folding or soufflé-baking.
Not Generalized for Ordinary Leisure Travel
Our ultra all-inclusive services are uniquely structured to mitigate compromises to confidentiality and to support sensitive business complexities. Overtly routine travelers would regard the proxy compartmentalization to be awkward and inconvenient. For simpler procedures and greater affordability, customary consumer travelers are respectfully suggested instead to reserve directly from Vdara™.
CityCenter™ at Center Strip

Privately Administered Hospitality
Including Your 24-Hour Dedicated Team with the Executive Luxury Package
At Vdara™, a couple of other services also offer privately held units. They are generally classified by travel services as separately named hotels because they are indeed renting separately controlled condominiums in a full-service hotel facility. As with the trend to attract high-end travelers (high-stakes gamblers and—in our case—prominent business travelers) there is no separate lobby. Their marketing differentiation is often in the opposite direction from ours, enabling more affordable value at Vdara™--such as with lower-caliber features and services--than the respective standard offerings of MGM™.