Diversification Requirements
Diversification enables flexibility.
Our internal operations are categorically more flexible than the customary mandates in travel for simple, singular transactions. We are sympathetic to the frequency of unexpected transactional difficulties when engaged in travel that is urgent, anonymous for governmental or corporate (such as I-banking) purposes, while defending civil and/or public relations attacks, or simply premium priced.
Previously unharmed novices often do not recognize the potential vulnerabilities that they face. New clients are often referred to us after they find themselves in unfamiliar circumstances. They often resist adapting to their realities, still requesting that we charge their cards instead of using other forms of payment. Over time, the naiveté is usually replaced with appreciation for the many protections that we had been consistently providing.
Although we are accustomed to working with complicated situations, many of our new clients have never previously experienced such a situation. For example, one of our largest markets pertains to executives who are engaged in an acquisition or other pre-event transaction/filing involving a regulated or publicly traded company, and these executives are invariably shocked when they find themselves in extremely sensitive, no-warning blockages and often even reversals of transactions (most often occurring with credit card transactions). Invariably, these executives would be annoyed at the thought that there could be any forthcoming problem with paying for travel expenses, but then they find themselves in disconcerting situations. Of likewise invariability, when the problems do incur, the executives draw on their past experience with over-confidence that the problem can be promptly resolved—and are disgruntled towards any professional services providers (including us) who do not grant the necessary flexibility for what they naively believe will be merely brief deferrals.
Cannot Directly Refund External Transactions
The procedure of applying your authorization to apply charges to your credit card via external merchants disables the ability to issue refunds by simply reversing a card transaction.
Our protective compartmentalization for charging debit and credit cards generally prevents us from being able to reverse a charge to issue a refund. There are multiple complications that can develop from issuing substantial checks as refunds for transactions that were initially charged to cards, especially for relatively recent payments.
This is the primary reason that deposits and retainers specifically must be paid via a method other than charging to a card. Alternatively, as long as you are fulfilling the requirement for payment in full (including the deposit) within five days of placing your reservation and prior to your date of arrival, you may apply a charge to your credit card via PayPal™.
Please click here for your extraordinarily broad menu of diversified payment methods, including PayPal™.
PayPal is a registered trademark of PayPal, Inc.
Solution to Industry Risks
The diversification issue provides for our extraordinary flexibility for our niche markets, extending even to first-time clients. A separate issue of preventing an entirely different market of unscrupulous non-business travelers pertains to first-time clients paying by credit card.
Most members of our niches would normally have convenient availability of substantial financial resources, and we never mean to imply any disrespect or mistrust towards any of our honorable clients.
Most hotels require government ID that matches a credit card. If a first-time customer is paying by card for the benefit of another traveler, scanned or faxed copies are usually required of the front and back of the credit card, as well as a full permanent copy of the holder's ID, and a matching signed authorization. Although not compliant with U.S. merchant mandates, those policies of photocopying sensitive personal information protect the hospitality industry, but meanwhile those policies compromise the confidentiality of high-profile travelers, and executives engaged in sensitive negotiations.
Of direct relevance to the reason for our existence—benefiting honorable clients of prominence—are our policies of not requiring ID and of not doing on-site transactions. Travel is one of the most common exploitations by people who exploit stolen credit cards, and ultimately hotels must pay the price, which is why hotels protect themselves via infringements on the privacy of their guests.
Our services involve two extremes:
- extraordinary methods of protection for confidentiality, and
- ultra all-inclusive executive hospitality.
We take our duties seriously as a vitally important resource for good people who realistically must protect themselves clandestinely as a function of the general societal and legal lack of sympathy for high-profile individuals—combined with limited societal patience for comprehending esoterically complex situations.
Partial Payment with Check, Bank Wire Transfer, Cash, or Bitcoin
Although hotels usually protect themselves financially by requiring ID-verified credit cards, our solution is simply to add a requirement for at least partial payment via a second method. Those of bad faith are stymied by requiring merely a minor portion to be paid with an attorney trust account, cash, inter-bank transfer, or payment in advance by check. With this simple solution, we can relax in the faithfulness of our clients, with an excellently low risk factor.
Please click here for pertinent remittance policies.
Separate Authorization upon Reserving
Necessary Regardless of whether You Have Submitted a Card via a Travel Service
An online form must be completed to sustain rates and services,
with payment in full clearing within five days of reserving and prior to arrival.
Please do not rely on presumptions by travel sites of standard payment policies.
Urgent: Please Read
Important, Time-Sensitive Practicalities
Countermeasures to the Exposures Inherent to Ordinary Credit Card Records
Please click here so that you are not taken by surprise
with the extraordinarily protective methods that are applied.
Menu of Payment Methods
Extraordinarily Diversified
We respect the wisdom of members of our niches
who avoid debit and credit cards during their sensitive travels.
Mitigated Risk Exposures
Customary credit card transactions in hospitality can cause serious repercussions by revealing your actual hotel name and/or your actual dates of travel.