Counterinfiltration of Your Charge Account

As primarily a professional-services firm, many non-consultative costs are simply charged at cost. Regardless, merchant references are typically hospitality-transaction processors (including online agencies), financial services, general merchants, and hospitality providers (with whom we discreetly coordinate services for clients). Merchant transactions (if any) are incidental to client transactions, and are vendors selling goods and services for the respective values; they are not responsible for your services.
As often as possible, we enable countermeasures away from suggestions of hospitality from Dignitary Discretion, endeavoring to suppress attempts in the present or future by manipulators who seek to infiltrate your activities and locations via your credit card records (such as by exploiting dishonest international legalism). As an especially powerful countermeasure) we can usually include a non-affiliated hotel principal.
Individual transactions are typically less than the outstanding balance. Transactions are usually split, and there is usually a small uncharged balance, against which we simply reduce the refundable deposit/retainer amount. We deliberately maximize the use of non-recurring odd amounts (not rounded to whole dollars) that are both individually and accumulatively materially misaligned with the dollar amounts that we publish.
Please coordinate an individual solution if you are a staff employee using a corporate card or filing an expense report.
The extraordinary privacy protections are superlative for our niches who must maintain compartmentalized confidentiality. The procedures are valued by independent professionals, B-D executives, I-bankers with cost-center autonomy, pre-event corporate insiders, corporate suitors, and many other principals. However, the same procedures that are crucially valuable for these niches are awkward or noncompliant for non-executives who are using corporate expense accounts or corporate cards.
Please coordinate a different payment method at the time of your reservation/requisition if you do not wish to have charges applied to a debit or credit card in such a privacy-protective manner, or if you cannot lawfully make such arrangements.
Counterespionage via diversionary breadcrumbs can be strategized for application with card transactions. Such situations must be lawfully honorable.
Your responsibility for lawfulness is assumed—with no NTK—if such a request is made by a bona fide US official who is somehow loosely in a foreign-affairs role, or by a sworn US military officer. Please click here for the hypothetical example of safety protections for a high-value foreign asset (friendly, but inherently without clearance, and thus relegated to private-sector vendors like us).
Please click here for more information about refunds.
The originally charging merchants are deliberately not affiliated, as a function of our sophisticated privacy protections of card transactions.
The inability to issue a refund by reversing a charge is the primary reason that we normally do not charge refundable deposits to credit cards. For PayPal transactions, however, reversals are indeed often possible.
Please click here for our deposit policies.
Regardless of whether you reserve directly, via a travel site or other travel agency, or any other method, the paradigm of individualized arrangements requires that you please contact a concierge with Dignitary Discretion--day or night--promptly upon placing your reservation.
Confirmation codes are conditional per our rate policies.
The generic policies and confirmations of online travel services do not override these conditions.
Submission of a credit card to a travel service does not complete the payment process.
Please click on the picture or any of the topics above for more information.
Transaction amounts are deliberately odd (not rounded dollar amounts, thereby indicating ordinary retail transactions). You shall be provided promptly with specific names and amounts.
Our protective compartmentalization for charging debit and credit cards generally prevents us from being able to reverse a charge to issue a refund. There are various complications that can develop from issuing substantial checks as refunds for transactions that were initially charged to cards, especially for relatively recent payments. Therefore, most deposits should be tendered via check, bank wire transfer, or other method besides a debit or credit card.
As an important protection desired by most clients referred to us who wish to pay via a charge card, we have learned from regrettable client complications that we have a protective duty to enable these protections by default, even if the client does not provide us with a communication method with which to collaborate.
Please coordinate with us when you place your reservation for optimization of the transaction methods for your confidentiality needs, corporate policies, and/or cost accounting for subcontracted governmental services. In-house processing of card transactions is available upon request.
Liaising when reserving is a requirement of all services,
regardless of the financial arrangements.
We respect the confidentiality focus of members of our niches who avoid debit and credit cards during their sensitive travels.
If you would like to pay the fees portion of your services by credit card, please click here.
If you provided a card number while placing your reservation via a reservations placed via a travel site or agency, and if you wish to continue to use that debit/credit card, a separate form must be signed in advance.
American Express and the logo thereof are registered trademarks of American Express Company and affiliates thereof.
Discover Card, Diners Club International, and the logos thereof are registered trademarks of DFS Services LLC and affiliates thereof.
Mastercard and the logo thereof are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
Visa and the logo thereof are registered trademarks of Visa Inc.
Dignitary Discretion is neither affiliated with, nor endorsed by, any of the aforementioned parties.
The protections herein are examples of how our services are structured for sophisticated niches.
Please click here for related insights into how we are not structured for basic consumer affordability.
Please click here for time-sensitive next steps
Please click here for a summary of the markets
for whom we offer professional expertise.
Most Internet protections require a regularly priced package with a duration of one week or longer.
Some protections are only available with monthly or Executive Sovereignty services.
As functions of single-instance protections with variable environments,
most active deployments of counterintelligence technology require a package of the Executive Collection.
Most of the advanced protections specifically require the villa autonomy of a Sovereignty package.
Exclusions apply with specially discounted packages.