We respect the dedication of service under oath.
Services are provided at our actual variable cost. Only certain packages apply, pertinent to your professional role.
No other discounts or promotions can be combined. All of our standard policies, such as cancellation rights and deposit requirements, continue to apply.
- Religious Leaders Threatened by a Foreign Government or Hostile Forces Not in Normalized Diplomatic Relations with the US, UK, or Israel and/or Persecutors of Evangelists
- Ordained Chaplain
Serving US, British, or Israeli Operations or
Foreign Humanitarianism - Clergy
Substantial and Active Church, Synagogue, or
Humanitarian Organization
Persecuted Missionaries
At-cost volunteer service in coordination with a US agency for US-legal missionaries who remain at risk from a country that .
(For those who are unfamiliar, churches and temples have been instrumental in protecting diplomats and anonymous peace enablers since Jericho. From the perspective of legal compliance, this is a legitimate goodwill for long-term business development, as well as an important benefactor of our equity holder's charity. This is not a service for the direct purpose of profit.)
For an illustration of relevance from an internal member of our team, please click here.
We respect and understand the frugality of diplomats (including backchannel) who endeavor to support the prosperity and freedom of their citizens by strengthening alliances with agencies and businesses of the United States. We understand the conflicts that you face with budgets that are based on your home country's standards, while struggling to fulfill a wide variety of sensitivities. We are supportive to you in the dilemmas of how every expenditure is burdensome while in a country that can have wildly expensive travel, personal, and administrative costs pertinent to your complex duties.
We need to maintain referral attorneys, who are immediately available in all fifty states, plus international attorneys. Our legacy includes a US governmental lawyer from the Cold War era, when lawyers were employed to make deals and operations possible—not to obstruct them. This is only for attorneys who are willing to work with the most complicated and intense of clients, including world leaders, world financiers, and many people who covertly serve US interests. If you are interested in being an attorney to whom we refer our high-security clients (with no financial incentives earned by us), knowing that this is a field that is too stressful even for many hardened trial and criminal attorneys, we welcome you, regardless of jurisdiction or specifics of your license.
We especially welcome any attorney who has served the US, UK, Israel, ally thereof, or contractor thereof in G-2-related interests.
Cosmetic Surgeons and Concierge Doctors
Do you have high-profile or high-security patients who possibly could be interested in an extremely private, countersurveillance-backed medical recovery retreat? If so, we would coordinate with a licensed facility in your proximity—or somewhere you would like to vacation yourself—for a physically separated unit that we remodel, and staff on a dedicated basis, for celebrity-style recovery.
and Retired Field MedicsWould you like to consider providing concierge-style/executive care for our clients?
If you are interested in being a field physician whom we contact (with no financial incentives earned by us) for our high-security clients, we would welcome you. These clients pay at the time of services for private concierge-style healthcare that categorically surpasses PPO rates. Most can travel to a jurisdiction where you can practice. Negatively, this is a field that is too stressful for most practitioners. Our legacy primarily consists of working with those who have served in the military, or, ideally, has any no-explanation-necessary respect for the dutiful philosophies of The Shop's OMS.
We especially would be enthusiastic about any medical researcher, white-coat, or medic who has had CE at Camp Swampy or who currently works around Perry's surrounding Base.
Current or veteran member of the following units of the UK, US, Israel, or an ally of all three:
- Diplomatic Corps,
- Consular Corps,
- Vaux/Agency/Moss (overtly identified or declassified role),
- Foreign Ministry/State Department,
- sworn military officer, or
- Special Forces.
POW/NOC Detainee • Wounded • KIA/MIA Family
A permanent policy is to provide services at cost for any for any of the following who was wounded in action or was a long-term detainee on behalf/support of US, UK, or Israeli foreign objectives
- military, official, OGA, contractor, volunteer, or retiree thereof;
- a self-reported other role that a concierge of ours would know (albeit not explicitly acknowledging such) to be typical of association with the US or UK Service
- Vaux/Agency/Moss (overtly identified or declassified role),
- a pastor/priest, rabbi, or chaplain,
- sworn military officer, or
- an immediate family member of any of the above who gave the ultimate sacrifice
Foreign detainers are broadly defined to include indenturing, imprisonment (regardless of civil/military charges), behind-the-line isolation, or other duress—by a government or oppositional force that does not maintain normalized relations with the US, UK, or Israel—lasting thirty days or longer, regardless of whether you were under a NOC legend.
No disability documentation, classified information, or official declarations are needed. The concepts of sacrifice are the relevant qualifiers, not a bureaucratic definition. The experiences of a concierge would provide sufficient familiarity to understand implied anecdotes as demonstrations of bona fides.
Suppressing NTK Exposure
You Control Security Protocols