Occupancy and Capacity
Additional Beds
Related Topics
Dignitary-Style Facilitation
Restful Sleep
Crisp and Secure
Antimicrobial standards have been designed with the expectation of exceeding relevant White House standards for the prevention of pathogens. We are unaware if POTUS standards have since changed. Unless scheduled in advance for your preferences, staffing is normally limited to one person providing any form of services for you at any particular time.
Any accessories that are considered medical devices would require special coordination with duly licensed providers, and would be subject to reimbursement, but are yours to keep. Bulky specialty items require a week or longer of regularly priced Enduring Executive or Executive Sovereignty. Orthopedic accessories and specialty linens must be special ordered, normally at least two weeks in advance, and are available with regularly priced Executive Collection packages, and with White Cloak Comfort services lasting one week or longer.
Some services, security protocols, and particular bedding specifications require the autonomy of a regularly priced week or longer with a villa, which is provided with the Executive Sovereignty and Romantic Sovereignty packages. Supplemental services and benefits for visitors and group events involve additional costs. Frette is a common-law trademark in Italy, held in the United States by Frette North America. We are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or licensed by Frette of Italy or Frette North America.

Privately Custom for Your Executive Complexities
Based on Wisdom for Independently Traveling Dignitaries
Specialties for Niches
Good People whom We Are Honored to Serve
Profiles of Our Niches
Rightfully Vital Tools for Clients who Contend with Complex Circumstances
High-Profile Individuals
On Your Side
Unshakable Faithfulness for
Victims of Twisted Mischaracterization
Individualized Specialties for Sophisticated Niches
Please click here for a summary of the markets
for whom we offer professional expertise.
Promotions and Rates
Duration of Services of
One Week to One Year
- Progressively Enhanced Custom Benefits
- Countersurveillance Protections
- Sophisticated Executive Services
- Private Excursions and Enlivenment
- Luxury Resources and Amenities
- Progressively Discounted
- More Benefits at Lower Rates
Continuously Guaranteed
Lowest Rates in Advance
If an applicably lower rate were to become available to you,
anytime until your arrival, from any source,
you would be credited accordingly.
Only reservations that are placed directly with Dignitary Discretion—
and some offline reservations by personally coordinating agents—
receive the guarantee of continuously lowest rates.
Specially Discounted Rates
Reduced Package Benefits
Please contact us in advance
for details pertinent to your package's specific configuration
for optimization based on whatever is most important to you.
Reduced benefits and further exclusions also apply to
reservations that are placed via online travel services.