Dignitary Discretion

Complimentary In-Suite Dining

Signature by Dignitary Discretion
White Cloak Comfort by Dignitary Discretion

As our honored guest,
we enjoy hosting you
for your in-suite dining.


Freeing you from the limited selections and security exposures of a hotel menu and convenience shop.

Custom Cuisine

Your favorite upscale custom cuisines are all free, all day and all night.

Wine, Liquor, and Specialty Brews

Bottles of your favorite varietals of upscale wine, name-brand liquor, premium juices, special-ordered exotic coffee and tea, and other beverages are knowledgeably selected and sent to you.

Delectable Favorites

Your favorite snacks and delicious specialty desserts are custom-ordered and delivered to you.

Individualized Custom Room Service

In general, everything is complimentary. The only material costs that most clients incur for their in-suite dining are from impromptu conveniences, urgencies, and desires that they obtain on their own.

Deliveries of food and beverages are remotely coordinated on your behalf, with deliveries from restaurants and retailers, customized based on your preferences.


With some types of special requests, for your visitors and support staff, for specially discounted packages, and other specific circumstances, we would collaborate with you to apply our actual expenses to your account, but we do not apply any surcharges.

Please click here for introductory limitations and conditions. Each occasion of hospitality is optimized based on your preferences.  Please contact us for details and for individualized service.

Individualized for Your Preferences

Welcoming You with Your Opportunity to Move Forward